Palace’s statement about the princess’s recovery

Inbaal Honigman is a celebrity psychic astrologer who has been reading Tarot since the ’90s.
She has appeared in media for more than 20 years giving her predictions for Big Brother’s Little Brother, Elle Magazine, and talkSPORT radio to name a few. Now, Honigman is revealing what’s ahead for Kate after reading the princess’s tarot and pulling a “Prince of Swords” card.
Speaking on behalf of Slingo, Honigman said: “This is a time of goodbyes for Kate. She can see that some jobs and habits that she used to have, which made sense in the past, don’t make sense anymore, and she knows it’s time to cut any ties. She’ll be quietly stepping away from some organizations that she works with, which no longer feel aligned with her goals.”
The psychic added: “Kate’s nature means that she’s busy even when she’s not busy, so this year she will find that spending time with friends or popping out to the shops whenever possible will provide a fun break from thinking too much.”